A monkey, cow and dog walk into a train station...

...and never seem to walk out. Another peculiarity of Indian train stations is that they're full of animals, primarily dogs, monkeys and cows, though you get the occational chicken in a cage. When I orginially framed this picture there was a dog in it, but it ran out before I could click the shutter.
Shortly before I took this picture, the train in the far tracks started to leave and a guy ran to jump into a second (lowest) class car. Unfortunately, he didn't get a good hand/foot hold due to the crowds and he fell down into the muck between the tracks. He had sense enough to keep his head down until after the train had passed, then he gathered his stuff together climbed back onto the platform and cleaned himself off in the public sink which you barely can't see on the right edge of the picture. What makes his falling onto the tracks particularly disgusting is that in Indian trains the toilets don't drain to a storage tank, but are literally a hole in the floor that dumps onto the tracks. So he landed in stuff that looked, and probably was, pretty foul.
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