What the Monkey God taketh away, the Monkey God returneth

Yup. I got my sunglasses back. They're bent and mangled, but they've come back to me. Here's the picture of when the monkey took them, sorry its so dark, the cafe I'm at doesn't have picture editing tools.
They were found on the other side of the mountain when a passer-by saw the monkey drop them. He/she was on their way to the Jukoo temple, where the Nepalese man recognized them as mine. Since he didn't have my contact number, he dropped them off at the Shimla government tourist office. When I stopped in there this morning to get directions to the bus station, the woman behind the counter saw my face, said "You were the American attacked by the bander (monkey)? Are these glasses yours?"
Anyways, it is awesome. The lenses seem unscractched so I'm gonna see if I can get them repaired. After all, the monkey god gave them back...I pretty much have to wear them now, don't I?
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