Monday, September 26, 2005

Walking in Delhi (very different than in Memphis)

In general the streets here are significantly dirtier and more crowded than the ones I saw in China or in Panama. Cars drive on the left, as per the British influence, but it's really more of a fashion statement than even a polite suggestion. People (as well as bikes, mo-peds, vespas, motor rickshaws and farm animals) all are in the same streets as the cars and buses.

The pedestrians in the streets are partially because all the shade trees are planted smack in the middle of the sidewalks. They're essential to protect pedestrians from the brutal sun, but being in the middle of the sidewalk the roots break up the concrete and the poorly pruned branches become obstacles to navigate around. Often cart sellers set up shop on the sidewalks between the trees, as well as people sit and rest in the shade. So, no walking on the sidewalk.

Also, as mentioned, the streets are dirty. There are inexplicable piles of concrete, dirt, bricks and rocks. The people think nothing of urinating against a wall. Cows and Camels are more common than trucks in the street (at least during the day b/c of g'vmnt restrictions) and I've been told elephants are seen occasionally. But needless to say none of these animals have poop-bags attached to them. I saw a bull throwing up in the street as well, which gave a slight satisfaction given how ill visitors are supposed to get while here.


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