Gandhi leading his people...where?

One of the more interesting aspects of Mahatma Ganhdi's legacy, certainly one that is played down, is that modern Indian culture seems to have rejected most of his teachings and philosophies. This is clearly the case with respect to his non-violence, his anti-materialism and much of his religious tolerance. Even the caste system, although officially abolished, is apparently still discretely observed.
In this context, if even only during his lifetime, it is all the more impressive that Gandhi was able to induce so many Indians to his world-view against their instincts. From what I've seen he did it through a combination of shrewd politicking and sheer strength of personality.
Part of what Ghandi taught went to teach the rest of the world.
Funny, how the greatest spiritual teachers are recognized by people at a distance, but hard to recognize when you are sitting in the same room with them.
Anyway, I am really pleased to have someone travel on my behalf. I like the words, the pictures of your trip, and will continue to watch the whole way. Thank you very much.
Yeah, that's a good point; Gandhi's teachings were applied with great success elsewhere in the world, such as by Civil Rights Movement in American and the Freedom Movement in South Africa.
But it is striking how little resonance his ideas seem to have for modern Indians. Like Buddhism before it, "Gandhism" seems to have had greater impact outside India than inside.
Thanks for the kind comments.
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