Monday, October 03, 2005

Fashion peculiarities

For some reason men from hot climates like wearing trousers and long-sleeved shirts. I don't know why that is. I wander the streets with my shirt un-tucked and my sleeves rolled up as far as they will go, in a desperate attempt to expose as much of my sweat-soaked skin to the intermittent breeze, and (almost) every Indian who passes me is wearing full-length trousers, shirt tucked in, sleeves rolled down, everything buttoned up. Am I missing something?


Blogger Ticharu said...

Hey, this is an interesting blog, I'm not a spammer. What are you doing in India? One of the blogs I read regularly is of an Indian living in Atlanta going to college.
Are you traveling? Your perspective of the country is pretty vivid for such brief posts. I'm quite a world away from where you are.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:37 AM  
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5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:26 AM  
Blogger Linton said...

Hi Ticharu,

Thanks for the compliment. I recently finished grad school in the US and am taking a few months off. I'm fascinated by some of the best people-watching of my life, and figured I'd keep a record of it.

I'm just wandering around the Delhi area at the moment, but in about a week will set out to the east towards Uttar Pradesh, then south for destinations to be determined...



5:55 AM  

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