
Three-wheeled auto-rickshaws, also known as tuk-tuks, are the cheapest and fastest way to move around Delhi. In heavy traffic they're also the scariest, being extremely rickety and without any sort of safety equipment.
Just how flimsy they are was driven home today when the tuk-tuk I was riding got a flat tire. The driver asked me to step out. He then tilted it up with one hand, and propped it up with a branch he found by the side of the road. He then changed the tire and we went on our way.
The fact that he picked it up with one hand just accentuates the feeling that in these things WE are the crumple zone...
I don't even want to know about the seatbelt situation. ;)
(In Thailand, they claimed the name "tuk-tuk" derived from the noise the motor made -- often an engine from a lawnmower, leafblower, or the like.)
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