I hope some of you agree

Apparently there's a West Linton, Indiana. And a whole page devoted to how You'll like Linton.
Its actually a little creepy. The slogan won a competition back in the 1930's. They have a song. And multiple signs like the one above.
It is now your goal in life to steal one of those signs.
And I have noticed that I can add comments to your blog. Evidently.
The power is mine now banderchod!
Hahahahaha. Banderchod!! (That translates into one who *&^%s a monkey isn't it?) Whoever Dan is, he is sure picking up on the lingo bro ;-)
Just be careful about the travel vouchers. Sometimes in India all free stuff come for a hidden price. No pun intended.
Good to know that you are heading to Mumbai. Make sure you visit the Ajanta and Ellora caves btw. We had some snow here in Manassas the day before Thanksgiving. Enjoy warm weather till you are there!!
Hope to see you soon.
Ciao -- Shankha
I definitely like Linton
: )
Was it just me, or were there no words to the Linton song? Very disappointing. We'll just have to make up our own.
"You'll like Linton, he's a real swell guy..."
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