Elephant Polo

Oh yeah, its as cool as it sounds. I’m not sure the elephants realized they were playing a game, but then again I’m not sure polo horses do, either. Even though they are unalike in almost every describable way, I kept thinking of the hippopotamus ballet from Fantasia. But this is way cooler because it has 3 meter mallets.
I’m still trying to get the video I took off my camera, so you can see the pace of the game.
If I can I’ll also post the video of the elephant vs children tug-o-war held afterwards. Oh yeah, you read that right. 50 little children pulling on ropes in one direction, while the elephant tied to the other end went in another. As might be imagined, it was no contest. Thankfully the children had the sense afterwards to get out of Jumbo’s way as it lumbered off field. I can’t even imagine the liability forms necessary to stage an elephant vs children tug-o-war in the States. Seriously, the only forum in which it might plausibly happen is a Fox reality show.
India: Where Fox doesn’t need to make up reality for you.
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